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Work With The Best Solar Company In Oregon

Oregon state solar incentives are some of the best in the entire country! Between the Energy Trust of Oregon Solar
Incentives, various other state benefits, and the 30% federal tax incentive on the total cost of your solar panel system
you can be confident that switching to solar is practical financially.

Here's THREE good reasons:

Oregon has a great climate for solar energy production. While this statement might surprise you, solar panels actually perform phenomenally in our beautiful state. Because of the innovation happening in the solar industry, modern solar panels are becoming increasingly more effective at producing energy in cloudy weather. Not only are solar panels becoming more energy efficient in cloudy weather, they are also more productive in cooler climates! High temperatures can lead to decreased electricity production. As solar panel emperatures rise past a certain threshold energy output decreases. Fortunately, Oregon isn’t known for experiencing the extreme heat that could reduce solar panel output.

The Time is NOW

As the best solar company in Oregon we understand the importance of preserving the unique PNW environment. From the windy coast line, through the stunning green gorge, to the sunny open plains we want to protect territory. By switching to solar you are reducing your carbon footprint and directly supporting the growth of renewable energy in our region.


The switch to solar can be full of unknowns, and as the best solar company in Oregon we understand that. Our team of entirely in house solar installation experts are here to help you make your choice to go solar as informed as possible. To see if solar is the right choice for you, speak with one of our solar incentives experts and get a personalized quote.



You'll be glad that you made the switch!



There has never been a better time to go solar. Submit this form to find out if solar is a good decision for you and your family.

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